Goodman, Gabriel

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Plague riders

Fourteen-year-old Shep Greenfield rides his horse between the makeshift colonies along the Wisconsin River delivering homemade medicine to people infected with nightpox, and while trading meds for much needed grains, he finds evidence that suggests his missing parents may be alive in a distant settlement called Dusty Hollow, a disease-ridden settlement that is about to be burned down, and Shep must act quickly to find his parents.
Cover image of Plague riders

The Confessional

Trying to fit in at her new high school, Jenny posts a made-up story online about a romance with a teacher, which gets her suspended for two months. She's guilty and embarrassed, but is she also the victim of a double standard? Jenny learns her punishment is harsher than normal. Now she'll have to own her mistake while standing up for herself too.

The Confessional

When Jenny Vang switches to yet another new high school, her only goal is to fit in. She learns the surest way to accomplish that is to join in on the school's unofficial gossip sight known as "The Confessional." But when she makes up a story about hooking up with a teacher, she is suspended for two months. While she owns her mistake, she'll also have to stand up for herself when she learns that her punishment is harsher than normal.

Lightning's run

Bullied relentlessly, Hiram Goldfarb, a Jewish immigrant in nineteenth-century New York City, learns bareknuckle fighting from a former slave wanted for a heinous crime in the South.

Lightning's run

Bare Knuckle Series
Bullied relentlessly, Hiram Goldfarb, a Jewish immigrant in nineteenth-century New York City, learns bareknuckle fighting from a former slave wanted for a heinous crime in the South.

The Alliance

"One're next" said the note Carmen Mendoza found in her locker. Carmen is out, loud, and proud so the threat doesn't bother her...much. But she knows other GLBT students who won't be so fearless, and she knows the note refers to the suicide of Jamie Ballard. Together Carmen, and Jamie's friend, Scott, confront the threat.

The alliance

Carmen Mendoza, a proud lesbian, has found another note in her locker that threatens her and her lifestyle and looking for some help she tries to team up with Scott, who is not gay but who lost his best friend, Jamie, to suicide after Jaime decided to announce that he was gay.

Plague riders

Fourteen-year-old Shep Greenfield rides his horse between the makeshift colonies along the Wisconsin River delivering homemade medicine to people infected with nightpox, and while trading meds for much needed grains, he finds evidence that suggests his missing parents may be alive in a distant settlement called Dusty Hollow, a disease-ridden settlement that is about to be burned down, and Shep must act quickly to find his parents.
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