Lederer, Richard

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Presidential trivia

the feats, fates, families, foibles, and firsts of our American presidents
A collection of trivia, quizzes, and games about the presidents of the United States.

Pun and games

jokes, riddles, daffynitions, tairy fales, rhymes, and more wordplay for kids
An introduction to wordplay, including puns, spoonerisms, riddles, and more.
Cover image of Pun and games

Crazy English

Man of My Words

The miracle of language

Study of the English language and what accounts for its success as the most widely spoken language in the history of humankind.

A man of my words

reflections on the English language
A collection of essays in which Richard Lederer shares his observations on the English language.

Anguished English

an anthology of accidental assaults upon our language
A collection of humorous language bloopers including misspelled words, bungled translations, mangled modifiers, and much more.

Comma sense

a fundamental guide to punctuation
A lighthearted primer on the fundamentals of American-language punctuation devotes a series of chapters to each of the major punctuation marks.

Crazy English

the ultimate joy ride through our language


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