emotions in children

Topical Term
emotions in children

Ruby finds a Worry

"A young girl's sense of adventure and exploration vanishes when she discovers a Worry that grows and grows until she learns how to get rid of it"--OCLC.

Manage your emotions

Sometimes you feel happy. Sometimes you feel sad. Sometimes you don't know how you feel. You feel lots of different things all day long. Learn how to talk about your feelings and how to deal with them.

Listening to my body

". . . guides children through the practice of naming their feelings and the physical sensations that accompany them. From wiggly and squirmy to rested and still, 'Listening to My Body' helps children develop a sensations vocabulary so that they can express what they are experiencing"--Provided by publisher.

Checking in

Simple text and illustrations look at how one can calm themselves down.

Checking in

Simple text and illustrations look at how one can calm themselves down.

Just feel

how to be stronger, happier, healthier, and more
"Presents a guide to empowerment that counsels readers on how to harness their emotional awareness to promote independence and problem-solving"--OCLC.

Thoughts and feelings

identifying emotions
". . . Young readers learn about the big and little emotions that color their relationships and experiences. Investigations of common emotions equip readers with strategies for identifying and dealing with their feelings. Primary sources highlight innovative directions in the study of emotional intelligence, while simple explanations help children cultivate self-awareness in their own lives"--Provided by publisher.

All kinds of feelings

"There are all kinds of feelings. We can feel happy and sad, excited and disappointed, worried, angry, curious, and calm. Our feelings change, often several times in one day. When we understand our feelings, it helps us understand how other people are feeling, too. How are you feeling today?"--Provided by publisher.

How are you feeling today, Baby Bear?

exploring big feelings after living in a stormy home
A story about Baby Bear to help children learn how to express and understand their feelings when there is violence in their home.

Doodlebug Elizabeth

"Elizabeth's doodles give her teacher an idea for student projects - and end up helping Elizabeth deal with feelings big and small"--OCLC.


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