
Topical Term


Teaches young learners the value of fairness, including taking turns and sharing, treating others well, and following rules. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

Play fair!

Text and illustrations teach the importance of the good manners of playing fair.


Teaches young learners the value of fairness, including taking turns and sharing, treating others well, and following rules.

Being fair

Simple text and illustrations introduce the character trait of fairness.

In it together

a story of fairness
A boy learns about the importance of fairness when he is the leader of a group project at school.
Cover image of In it together

How to be a Zootopia police officer

grit with Judy Hopps
Judy has had to show a lot of grit to become a top ZPD officer. She also uses her skills to be fair, resourceful, and open-minded.
Cover image of How to be a Zootopia police officer

A is for Elizabeth

Elizabeth, the second-grade sister of Justin Case, is excited about her first homework assignment but it leads her to start a protest of alphabetical order.
Cover image of A is for Elizabeth

Taking turns!

The 21st Century Basic Skills Library helps young readers develop fluency as they learn about the world around them. Level Three books are for readers with independent reading skills. They contain 150-200 words. Longer sentences and more complicated word patterns comprise the text. Some words and illustrations may reach beyond background knowledge. Eight to ten content words are included to expand vocabulary and reading skills.
Cover image of Taking turns!

Being fair

a book about fairness
Explains that fairness is treating others as one would like to be treated and considering other people's feelings, and presents examples of fair behavior in a variety of situations.
Cover image of Being fair

Taking turns!

Simple text and photographs explain how taking turns and sharing is a fair thing to do.


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