Bekoff, Marc

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Encyclopedia of animal behavior

Alphabetically arranged entries on animal behavior cover a broad array of species and behavior patterns and includes information on related careers.

The smile of a dolphin

remarkable accounts of animal emotions
Presents many color photos and fifty essays by animal behavior scientists on the extent to which a wide variety of animals, including mammals, reptiles, and birds, feel a complex range of emotions.

The emotional lives of animals

a leading scientist explores animal joy, sorrow, and empathy, and why they matter
Presents biological research to support the existence of animal emotions and why it is important to rethinking the human relationship to animals and how animals are treated.

Wild justice

the moral lives of animals
Argues that animals do experience human-like emotions and moral intelligence, such as fear, regret, grief, empathy, trust, and reciprocity, and discusses how understanding those emotions can contribute to people's understanding of animals, their actions, and their place in the world.

Encyclopedia of animal rights and animal welfare

Discusses the major issues surrounding the topic of animal rights, including activism for animals, animal cruelty, animal testing, and the uses of animals in education.

Animals matter

a biologist explains why we should treat animals with compassion and respect
Biologist Marc Bekoff draws from studies on the pain and emotions of animals to discuss humans' use of animals and interference in wild animals' lives, covering such topics as zoos, product testing, and dissection and vivisection, and presents ethical questions to consider at the end of each chapter.
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