Ask Isaac Asimov

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Why does the moon change shape?

Explains why the moon changes from crescent to full moon every 29.5 days.

Why does the moon change shape?

Explains why the moon changes from crescent to full moon every 29.5 days.

How do airplanes fly?

Briefly describes how the forces of lift and thrust are used to overcome gravity and resistance to enable airplanes to fly.

What happens when I flush the toilet?

Briefly describes how toilets are used to get rid of waste and how sewage is treated.

How does a TV work?

Provides a simple explanation of the technology involved in transmitting and receiving television signals.

Why are whales vanishing?

Discusses how modern whale hunting methods have caused many species of whales to become endangered and what can be done to help protect the whales.

How is paper made?

Briefly describes the process involved in making paper and some of the problems associated with the production and use of paper.

How do big ships float?

Briefly describes several kinds of ships and the forces that cause them to float or sink.

Why do some people wear glasses?

Briefly describes how our eyes work, various vision problems, and how glasses can help us see better.

How does a cut heal?

Photographs and text describe what happens when the body is cut or bruised, how the body reacts to these injuries, and steps to help the healing process.


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