Matthews, Morgan

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Silly Sidney

Silly Sidney decides to keep fall from coming by putting the leaves back on the trees.

Tricky Alex (BK

His friends try to convince Alex the elf that they do not like him to play tricks on them.

Icky, Sticky Gloop (BK

In his desire to be an inventor, Benjamin Franklin Bunny creates as icky, sticky mess called gloop.

The big race

Tired of losing every event in the animals' annual sports contest, Manny Moose decides to concentrate his efforts on training for just one event, the cross-country race.

Fish for supper!

Carl Cat sets out to catch a fish for supper but has a change of heart.

Which Way, Hugo?

An elephant with sore feet tries flying like a bird, hopping like a kangaroo, and digging like a mole as ways of going places; then a turtle gives him some good advice.

What's it like to be a railroad worker

Describes the jobs of a variety of people involved in railroad work, including the conductor, engineer, and brakeman.

What's it like to be a postal worker

Describes the many tasks performed by the people who keep the mail moving in the postal service.

Brave Sir Laughalot

Sir Laughalot rides out in search of adventure, but never realizes how much good he does.

102 alien jokes

A collection of alien jokes.


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