When the babies who are being fed on human snot mutate into half-human brats, Hedy Mandible uses her hypnotic control over Cheyenne to force her to teach them proper behavior, while the Jackal initiates another elaborate scheme to assassinate Wally.
Twins Wally and Cheyenne Shluffmuffin face giant ants, ghouls, zombies, and a treacherous orphanage matron when they leave their miserable home at Cincinnati's Jolly Days Orphanage to live with the Mandible sisters in the Dripping Fang Forest.
Alfred the aardvark lives with his mother on the "A" page of the dictionary, and when his pet ant, Itty Bitty, slips out of the ant farm to visit the zoo, Alfred goes after him, digging all the way down to "Z.".