Rodanas, Kristina

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The blind hunter

A blind African hunter teaches a young man how to see by using his other senses.

The eagle's song

a tale from the Pacific Northwest
While trying to find his brothers, Ermine encounters an Eagle-man and his ancient mother who help him teach the people living on the coast of the Pacific Northwest how to overcome their isolation and experience the joy of life.

Dragonfly's tale

After a poor harvest two children regain the Corn Maidens' blessings for their people with the aid of a cornstalk toy, the dragonfly.

Follow the stars

a native American woodlands tale
A journey made across snowbound lands by animals in search of the missing Birds of Summer results in the return of the warm season.

The little drummer boy

An illustrated version of the Christmas carol about the procession to Bethlehem and a poor boy's offer to play his drum for the Christ Child.

Dance of the sacred circle

a native American tale
A Blackfoot legend about a young boy who goes looking for the Great Chief of the Sky in hopes of finding help for his starving tribe and is rewarded with a special gift, the first horse.

The story of Wali D?d

The desire of a poor, old grasscutter in India to share what little he has with a kind and beautiful woman begins an incredible chain of events.

Dragonfly's tale

After a poor harvest two children regain the Corn Maidens' blessings for their people with the aid of a cornstalk toy, the dragonfly.
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