Let's-read-and-find-out book

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Straight hair, curly hair

A simple explanation of hair--how it grows, why dampness affects it, why its characteristics cannot be changed, how strong it is, and how it stretches.

Fossils tell of long ago

Explains how fossils are formed and what they tell us about the past.
Cover image of Fossils tell of long ago

A drop of blood

A simple introduction to the composition and functions of blood.
Cover image of A drop of blood

Gravity is a mystery

Explains in simple text and illustrations what is known about the force of gravity.

Dinosaurs are different

Explains how the various orders and suborders of dinosaurs were similar and different in structure and appearance.

What the moon is like

A description of sights and experiences on the surface of the moon, based on information gathered by astronauts.
Cover image of What the moon is like

Look at your eyes

Describes the parts of the eye and how they work.

How many teeth?

Introduces teeth, describing how many we have at various stages of life, why they fall out, and what they do.
Cover image of How many teeth?

Fossils tell of long ago

Explains how fossils are formed and what they tell us about the past.
Cover image of Fossils tell of long ago

Dinosaurs are different

Explains how the various orders and suborders of dinosaurs were similar and different in structure and appearance.


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