
Geographic Name

Guests of the Ayatollah

the first battle in America's war with militant Islam
Examines the Iran hostage crisis during which fifty-two Americans were held hostage in the Tehran embassy for over 440 days, and offers insights into the event from the perspective of the hostages, soldiers sent to set them free, the radical captors, and diplomats trying to end the crisis.

Atomic Iran

how the terrorist regime bought the bomb and American politicians

Growing up in Iran

Explores how children grow up in Iran.
Cover image of Growing up in Iran

US-Iran relations

A collection of essays that provides varying perspectives on issues relating to international relations between the United States and Iran.
Cover image of US-Iran relations

Missing man

the American spy who vanished in Iran
In 2013, Americans learned that a former FBI agent turned private investigator, who disappeared in Iran in 2007, had been there on a mission for the CIA. Robert Levinson's mission was secret and the hunt to rescue him revealed the shadowlands between crime, business, espionage, and the law, where secrets are currency and betrayal is commonplace.

Our man in Tehran

the true story behind the secret mission to save six Americans during the Iran Hostage Crisis and the foreign ambassador who worked with the CIA to bring them home
Chronicles the role of Canadian ambassador Ken Taylor, his wife, and embassy staffers, in concealing six American diplomats in their homes after they escaped the hostage situation that occurred when Iranian students seized the American embassy in 1979.

Countdown to Zero Day

Stuxnet and the launch of the world's first digital weapon
"This story of the virus that destroyed Iran's nuclear centrifuges ... shows that the door has been opened on a new age of warfare--one in which a digital attack can have the same destructive capability as a megaton bomb dropped from an airplane"--Provided by publisher.


CIA agent Tony Mendez tries to help six Americans escape Tehran during the Iran Hostage Crisis by disguising himself and them as a film crew and hiding in plain sight of the Iranians who have taken over the U.S. embassy.

Nuclear Iran

the birth of an atomic state
Discusses the history of Iran's nuclear program, including the United States role in it.

Taken hostage

the Iran hostage crisis and America's first encounter with radical Islam
Examines the Iran hostage crisis of 1979-81--during which over fifty Americans were held captive by Iranian militants for 444 days--and the events that led to it, comparing America's actions in the Middle East in the 1970s and early 1980s with its actions there in the early twenty-first century.


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