Anderson, Kevin J

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The lost ones

Jacen and Jaina return home on a break from school and find that their childhood friend has been attracted to the dark side of the Force, and they know that if they cannot bring him back to the good side, the universe will be divided once again.

Star Wars Young Jedi Knights: Lightsabers

Jacen and Jaina--twin children of Han Solo and Princess Leia--begin to learn the technical and spiritual skills they will need to use the ancient lightsaber against the Dark Jedi.

Star wars young Jedi knights: Heirs of the force

Exploring the jungle outside the Jedi Academy, twins Jacen and Jaina Solo discover the remains of a TIE fighter that went down during the first Death Star battle, and their plans to repair it are overseen by a stranded Imperial trooper.

Grumpy old monsters

Frankenstein's monster, Dracula, the Were-wolf, the Mummy, and others living at the Rest in Peace nursing home, break out and head for Transylvania when Dr. Frankenstein's granddaughter Tiffany enlists them in a quest to save the family castle from being torn down to make way for luxury condominiums.

A forest of stars

The second installment in the Saga of the Seven Suns finds the humans of the Terran Hanseatic Federation of Earth under attack by the hydrogues who are seeking retaliation against the Terrans for their unwitting destruction of a hydrogue planet.

The last days of Krypton

Brilliant scientist Jor-El and his historian wife, Lara, struggle in the waning days of their planet Krypton to warn a disbelieving society that disaster looms, while fighting the machinations of the power-hungry General Zod, and trying to ensure that their child, Kal-El, will survive.

Return to Ord Mantell

Han Solo and his family is threatened on the planet Ord Mantell due to incidents in Han's past.

Shards of Alderaan

Jacen and Jaina, the young twins of Han Solo and Princess Leia, encounter a long-lost enemy of their family when they set off for the Alderaan system, accompanied by their friends Tenel Ka and Lowbacca the Wookiee, on a mission to salvage a piece of the shattered planet as a gift for their mother.


Luke Skywalker knows that it is time to teach his young Jedi knights how to use their lightsabers, but he is afraid that in order for them to learn their lesson, they will have to face great sorrow.


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