Describes the reality of today's military space technology, growing military role of Soviet and U.S. space shuttles, spy satellites and anti-satellite weapons and manned space stations.
James Christian Dykstra, the Einstein of the twenty-first century, is called upon to save humanity by learning how the attacking aliens' advanced technological weaponry works.
A look at potential future developments in warfare, including advancements in robot technology, as well as satellite-guided bombs and other technologies that are currently considered state-of-the-art.
Snow joins the resistance fighters on the planet Hub to fight against the Warmongers, two robots who use a deadly drone to destroy planets and everything living on them. Presented in graphic novel format.
Examines the controversies and challenges surrounding the militarization of space, with primary source documents exploring the issue, essays discussing United States and international opinions on the matter, and information on what it might mean for the future.
Explores the development of space as a venue for warfare, describing various U.S., Russian, Chinese, and European space programs, policies, and technologies.
On trial for treason, Edriss 562 explains how she infested a series of human hosts in order to spearhead the invasion of Earth by her people, the ruthless, parasitic Yeerks.