Rees, Peter

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Funky Festivals

"All around the world there are special celebrations." Learn about Holi, May Day, Halloween, Kwanzaa, Palio, and the Chinese Lantern Festival.

The Clockmaker

English clockmaker John Harrison invented a clock that could be used aboard swaying ships. This solved one of the greatest scientific problems. Before this invention sailors steered by using the stars and guesswork.

How does it fly?

the science of flight
Offers children an overview of flight, discussing how airports are run, how airplanes take flight, the different types of airplanes and their uses, and other related topics.

Secrets of the space shuttle

Teaches comprehension strategies and vocabulary through a study of the history, development, and technology of the space shuttle and space travel.


blessing or burden?
Examines the responsibilities that people must accept in order to live in a free society, and describes how freedoms were fought for and won.
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