dietary supplements

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dietary supplements

Sports pharmacy

performance enhancing drugs and the athlete
"Sports Pharmacy, Performance Enhancing Drugs, and the Athlete provides a comprehensive compilation of information in a single location on performance enhancing substances by United States collegiate, amateur and professional athletes. The pharmacology of all classes of performance enhancing drugs is discussed as well as any data that supports their use, covering a wide range of laws, policies, regulations concerning the use of substances by athletes. Questions are included throughout the text as well as case studies to demonstrate the complexity of the issues associated with the general topic of performance enhancing drugs. Comprehensive overview of drug polices for all amateur and professional sports organizations in the US. A single source handbook for clinicians and athletes as a comprehensive overview of performance enhancing drugs. Provides a comprehensive overview of therapeutic use exemptions in athletics. Overview of dietary supplement use in athletics, including risk vs. benefit, discussion of evidence, or lack of, for performance enhancing effects. Opportunities for pharmacists to specialize in "sports pharmacy" practice and their potential value as a member of a sports medicine team"--.

Nutrition myths and facts

Provides facts that debunk inaccurate information about nutrition that is often portrayed by the media, offers healthy eating tips, and includes a teacher's guide.

Vitamins & supplements from A-Z

boost your immunity & never get sick!
Provides ways to naturally find vitamins, minerals, and other supplements while covering which foods and herbs are best for cognition and memory, immunity, energy, and more.

Dietary supplements

fact versus fiction
"This accessibly written book examines the most commonly taken dietary supplements, exploring what they are and what they're purported to do and summarizing key research findings regarding their potential health benefits and risks"--Provided by publisher.

Dietary supplements

harmless, helpful, or hurtful?

Eating right & additional supplements for fitness

"Food is a vital part of fitness. Everything you eat affects your body in some way, so it's important to make the right choices when it comes to the things you eat. Discover the real facts about dietary supplements that can add to a lifestyle of exercise and eating right. Find out how choosing nutritious, healthy foods today can help you avoid the problems many people face as they get older. Learn how your diet affects your fitness, weight, and overall health!"--Back cover.


our obsessive quest for nutritional perfection
"The startling story of America's devotion to vitamins-and how it keeps us from good health Health-conscious Americans seek out vitamins any way they can, whether in a morning glass of orange juice, a piece of vitamin-enriched bread, or a daily multivitamin. We believe that vitamins are always beneficial and that the more we can get, the better-and yet despite this familiarity, few of us could explain what vitamins actually are. Instead, we outsource our questions to experts and interpret "vitamin" as shorthand for "health." What we don't realize-and what Vitamania reveals-is that the experts themselves are surprisingly short on answers. Yes, we need vitamins; without them, we would die. Yet despite a century of scientific research (the word "vitamin" was coined only in 1912), there is little consensus around even the simplest of questions, whether it's exactly how much we each require or what these thirteen dietary chemicals actually do. The one thing that experts do agree upon is that the best way to get our nutrients is in the foods that naturally contain them, which have countless chemicals beyond vitamins that may be beneficial. But thanks to our love of processed foods (whose natural vitamins and other chemicals have often been removed or destroyed), this is exactly what most of us are not doing. Instead, we allow marketers to use the addition of synthetic vitamins to blind us to what else in food we might be missing, leading us to accept as healthy products that we might (and should) otherwise reject. Grounded in history-but firmly oriented toward the future-Vitamania reveals the surprising story of how our embrace of vitamins led to today's Wild West of dietary supplements and investigates the complicated psychological relationship we've developed with these thirteen mysterious chemicals. In so doing, Vitamania both demolishes many of our society's most cherished myths about nutrition and challenges us to reevaluate our own beliefs. Impressively researched, counterintuitive, and engaging, Vitamania won't just change the way you think about vitamins. It will change the way you think about food. "--.

Dietary supplements

This title addresses controversies related to dietary supplements, including: how should dietary supplements be regulated; are vitamin and mineral supplements beneficial; are weight-loss supplements and athletic supplements beneficial; how well do supplements treat different medical conditions.

Natural causes

death, lies, and politics in America's vitamin and herbal supplement industry
The author examines the multi-million-dollar herbal supplement industry, the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, and the inadequate regulations that render the FDA helpless at putting an end to dangerous dietary supplements.

Muscles, speed & lies

what the sport supplement industry does not want athletes or consumers to know
Answers questions about the benefits of dietary supplements and performance enhancing drugs and discusses claims made by the supplement industry which is not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.


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