Williams, Jay

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The Water of Life

The horn of Roland

A retelling in prose of the adventures of Charlemagne's fearless knight Roland--from his first childhood feat to his tragic and heroic death at Roncevalles.

Leonardo da Vinci

"Horizon caravel book." The life story of the Renaissance artist and scientist. Includes reproductions of his paintings and drawings and sketches from his notebooks.

The world of Titian, c. 1488-1576

An account of the life, work and times of the most famous painter of 16th century Venice.

Danny Dunn and the voice from space

Danny and his scientist friends decode a message sent eleven light years earlier, informing them that space visitors are en route to earth.

The practical princess

A princess uses common sense to get rid of a dragon, save herself from imprisonment, and find a handsome prince.

The sword of King Arthur

A retelling of the legends of the British King, telling of the act which made him king, his drawing the sword from the anvil and stone, and of the deeds and fame of his knights and himself.

The world of Titian, c. 1488-1576

An account of the life, work and times of the most famous painter of 16th century Venice.

Life in the Middle Ages


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