Contemporary world issues

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Policing in America

a reference handbook
Describes the history of and issues faced by police in the U.S., compares the U.S. policing system to others around the world, profiles more than thirty significant individuals, and presents a chronology, a glossary, data tables, and annotated directories of organizations and further resources.

The religious right

a reference handbook
An examination of the religious right and its role in American life, looking at the influence of religion on legislation and society, and exploring the alignment of the religious right and the political right.

Militias in America

a reference handbook
A study of militias in America, providing an overview of the development of the movements since the American Revolution, a chronology covering militias in early America and since World War II, biographical sketches of people prominent among modern militias, documents defining the thoughts and actions of the groups, and reference resources.

The religious right

a reference handbook

Hate crimes

a reference handbook
Studies hate crimes and features a historical survey of some of the main targets of hate crimes, a chronology of some of the worst hate crimes, and biographical information about the individuals who work to stop racism and prejudice.

World energy crisis

a reference handbook
Examines the world energy crisis, providing background information; discussing related problems, controversies, and solutions; and including data and documents.

Online privacy

a reference handbook
Examines online privacy, describes the problems, controversies, and solutions in the digital age, and discusses the worldwide perspective and includes a chronology, biographical sketches, directory of organizations, data and documents, and resources.

Women in combat

a reference handbook


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