Kaku, Michio

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The God equation

the quest for a theory of everything
". . . tells the story of the greatest quest in science. When Newton discovered the laws of motion and gravity, he unified the rules of heaven and earth. From then on, physicists have been discovering new forces and incorporating them into ever-greater theories. But the major breakthroughs of the 20th century--relativity and quantum mechanics--are incompatible, and so since then, physicists have been endeavoring to combine these two theories. This would ultimately tie all the forces in the universe together into one beautiful equation that can unlock the deepest mysteries of space and time. That epic journey is the story of this book"--.

The future of the mind

the scientific quest to understand, enhance, and empower the mind
Investigates what current technology has allowed us to do with the human brain--such as scan it, track its neurons, and possibly even record dreams--and forecasts the coming decades and the probable advances in neuroscience that will occur. Discusses things normally only in the realm of science fiction, but which may soon be science fact--such as uploading our minds to computers or creating artificial intelligence.

Beyond Einstein

the cosmic quest for the theory of the universe

Einstein's cosmos

how Albert Einstein's vision transformed our understanding of space and time
Presents Albert Einstein's visual manner of thinking that led to his revolutionary theories in the field of physics. Explores how Einstein developed his theory of relativity, his theory of curved space and time, and his incomplete unified field theory.


a scientific odyssey through parallel universes, time warps, and the tenth dimension


a scientific odyssey through parallel universes, time warps, and the tenth dimension

Nuclear power, both sides

the best arguments for and against the most controversial technology
The Early years--Underestimating the risks--Protecting the public--George Orwell understated the case--(etc.).

Physics of the impossible

a scientific exploration into the world of phasers, force fields, teleportation, and time travel
Physicist Michio Kaku explains how devices commonly found in science fiction, including death rays, force fields, and invisibility cloaks, may become commonplace in the future, using real-life examples of other technologies that were considered impossible, including televisions, lasers, and atomic bombs, to support his point.

Physics of the future

how science will shape human destiny and our daily lives by the year 2100
Offers ideas about what the technologically advanced future might be like, based on interviews with over three hundred scientists, and includes descriptions of potential developments in medicine, computers, quantum physics, and space travel.


how science will revolutionize the 21st century
Discusses the future of science and technology in the next one hundred years, drawing from interviews with scientists in a wide variety of disciplines to make predictions about developments in the fields of computer science, biogenetics, and quantum physics.


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