common sense

common sense

Thomas Paine writes Common sense

Relates, in graphic novel format, how Thomas Paine came to America at the suggestion of Benjamin Franklin, became writer and editor of the "Philadelphia Magazine, " and served a pivotal role in the American Revolution by publishing a pamphlet entitled "Common Sense" that explained why America needed to break away from British rule.

Thomas Paine's Common Sense

A book for young readers about the life of Thomas Paine and the impact of his most famous work, Common Sense.

Thomas Paine and the dangerous word

As an English corset-maker's son, Thomas Paine was expected to spend his life sewing women's underwear. But as a teenager, Thomas dared to change his destiny, enduring years of struggle until a meeting with Benjamin Franklin brought Thomas to America in 1774 and into the American Revolution.
Cover image of Thomas Paine and the dangerous word

Thomas Paine and the power of Common Sense

A brief introduction to Thomas Paine, who wrote the pamphlet "Common Sense" which explained why the American Colonies should gain their independence from Great Britain.

Thomas Paine's Common sense

Discusses the history of the Thomas Paine's pamphlet "Common sense" and its influence in convincing colonists that separation with England was necessary.

Glenn Beck's common sense

the case against an out-of-control government, inspired by Thomas Paine
Glenn Beck draws on Thomas Paine's original "Common Sense" to encourage Americans to protect the civil liberties and freedoms Thomas urged people to fight for more than two hundred years ago.

46 pages

Thomas Paine, Common sense, and the turning point to American independence
Thomas Paine, a native of Thetford, England, arrived in America's colonies with little in the way of money, reputation, or prospects, though he did have a letter of recommendation in his pocket from Benjamin Franklin. Paine also had a passion for liberty in all its forms, and an abiding hatred of tyranny. His forceful, direct expression of those principles found voice in a pamphlet he wrote entitled Common Sense, which proved to be the most influential political work of the time. Ultimately, Paine's treatise provided inspiration to the second Continental Congress for the drafting of the Declaration of Independence. 46 Pages is a dramatic look at a pivotal moment in our country's formation, a scholar's meticulous recreation of the turbulent years leading up to the Revolutionary War, retold with excitement and new insight.

Thomas Paine writes Common Sense

A graphic novel that depicts Thomas Paine and his experience drafting "Common Sense." Includes a glossary.
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