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"13-year old Summer so desperately wants to pass the audition for a prestigious ballet school, that she's literally starving herself. She's become anorexic and possibly killing herself. Furthermore, it actually is making her a worse dancer. Will Summer get the help she so urgently needs from her sisters Skye, Honey, Coco, and new stepsister Cherry, when she's in denial and doesn't realize she needs help?"--Back cover.


how I learned to satisfy my insatiable hunger and feed my soul
"...The true, poignant story of one woman's spiritual journey as she recovers from anorexia, eases the emotional pain of her hunger through yoga and Buddhism, and finally becomes full..."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Full

Binary star

"An...account of a young woman struggling with anorexia and her long-distance, alcoholic boyfriend. On a road-trip circumnavigating the United States, they stumble into a book on veganarchism and believe they've found a direction"--Back cover.
Cover image of Binary star

Just three words : athlete, mother, survivor

how one brave woman against all odds wins the race of her life
Karen Newman had an eating disorder. When it was out of control, Karen was filled with shame and self-loathing. But then a diagnosis of breast cancer changed everything. A world-class triathlete, dietitian, and mother, Karen continued her training and competitions throughout her grueling cancer treatments. Her story reveals the incredible power of words and never giving up.

The sky between you and me

For Raesha, competing isn't just about the speed of her horse or the thrill of the win. It's about honoring her mother's memory. Raesha knows minus five on the scale will let her sit deeper in her saddle, make her horse lighter on her feet. But the more Raesha focuses on the win, the more she starts to push away the people she loves.


one woman's final year after a lifelong struggle with anorexia and bulimia
Michelle Stewart always knew in her heart that her dual eating disorders, anorexia and bulimia, would kill her. By the time she was 48, more than 30 years of self-imposed binging and purging had ravaged her organs. In May 2013 she was diagnosed with end-stage renal failure and given only a few months to live. Determined to share her story while she still had the chance, Michelle began writing a very personal and revealing blog. Michelle died at the age of 49 in 2014.

Seconds to snap

one explosive day. a family destroyed. my descent into anorexia
A life-or-death struggle with anorexia told by a girl at war with herself. In and out of psychiatric wards for years, Tina takes the reader to some of the darkest places of her mind. But in the end, her courage, conviction, and sheer determination win out. It took seconds for Tina to snap and a lifetime to recover. Today she is a passionate campaigner for mental health.


Since her older brother died Scarlett has felt emotionally cut off from everyone on Catalina Island except for her horse, and she has become anorexic--but when she meets a strange boy named Will Cohen she begins to rediscover herself.


Since her older brother died Scarlett has felt emotionally cut off from everyone on Catalina Island except for her horse, and she has become anorexic--but when she meets a strange boy named Will Cohen she begins to rediscover herself.

Zoe letting go

Zoe goes to a facility to help cure her anorexia as she comes to terms with the loss of her friend and her own identity.


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