alien labor

Topical Term
alien labor

Underground America

narratives of undocumented lives
Presents a number of personal stories of undocumented workers in the United States who are here for a variety of reasons including fleeing from persecution in their own countries or just trying to make a living.

Tattoo of Death

Choose Your Own Adventure #22
The reader must make the right decisions in order to get out of the Red Flowers gang and their evil business of importing illegal aliens into a life of violence and modern-day slavery.

No one is illegal

fighting violence and state repression on the U.S.-Mexico border
Argues that anti-immigration groups are racist; explores the history of violence against immigrants; and contends that the United States needs to adopt a pro-worker and pro-immigrant agenda.

The line between us

teaching about the border and Mexican immigration
Traces the history of U.S.-Mexican relations, placing the roots of Mexican immigration in the context of the global economy and offers teachers practical strategies to help their students understand the immigrant experience and what life is like along the U.S.-Mexico border.


Photographs and text portray the lives of migrant farm laborers who have come to the U.S. from Mexico.

Our beckoning borders

illegal immigration to America
Examines the problems connected with illegal immigration in the United States, from the perspectives of the immigrants themselves as well as from that of law enforcement officials.

Forty-cent tip

stories of New York City immigrant workers
A collection of anecdotes by immigrant workers living in New York that describes their jobs, living conditions, and emotions.

Immigration, migration, and the Industrial Revolution

Describes how inventions such as the cotton gin transformed America from an agricultural country to an industrial one, and led to both problems and opportunities.

Latino migrant workers

Explores the contributions to American culture by Latino Americans who live as migrant workers, traveling the country and helping with the growing and harvesting of America's food supply.

Latino Americans and their jobs

Explores the contributions to American culture by Latino Americans and the jobs surveys show Latinos typically hold in American society.
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