Fontichiaro, Kristin

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Understanding and creating infographics

Explains to young students what infographics are and how to read them, then offers advice on how to create an infographic on their own.

Know what to ask

forming great research questions
Presents tools children can use to effectively formulate and organize questions while doing research projects, and includes activities that offer students opportunities to become familiar with various types of questions to ask for each kind of situation.

Podcasting 101

A discussion of podcasting that defines what it is and describes how podcasts are planned, recorded, edited, revised, exported, and published.

Speak out!

creating podcasts and other audio recordings
Simple text and illustrations describe creating podcasts and other audio recordings.

Getting around online

Explains how to do research online, including how to use key words, and how to understand results.

Find out firsthand

using primary sources
Discusses how to find out information while using primary sources such as pictures, and provides questions that might be useful in finding out information.

Blog it!

Provides information on what a blog is, how to set up a blog and what can be discussed in a blog.

Go straight to the source

Looks at primary and secondary sources as research tools, explaining what they are, and offering tips on how to really understand photographs, artifacts and objects, and documents. Includes exercises, illustrations, and checklists.

Active learning through drama, podcasting and puppetry

Describes techniques for integrating drama lessons into the media center curriculum in elementary and middle schools, featuring sample lesson plans, explaining how to showcase the benefits of arts-centered learning in the media center, and including Web links and an author and illustrator index.

21st-century learning in school libraries

Examines the evolving standards for learning in the digital age of the twenty-first century, with more than ninety articles that discuss key themes, ideals for successful school libraries, inquiry, collaboration, assessments, reading, and pedagogical strategies; and includes discussion questions for each chapter.


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