Kovacs, Deborah

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Meet the Authors and Illustrators

60 creators of favorite children's books talk about their work.

Moonlight on the river

Meet the authors and illustrators, Vol. 2

Presents profiles of 60 children's authors with suggested activities to extend their work.

25 thematic mini-books

easy-to-make, reproducible books to promote literacy
Includes reproducible patterns and directions for making twenty-five mini-books, appropriate for kindergarten through third grade, covering special days, plants and animals, and folk and fairy tales, with five blank book patterns in which students may put their own words and pictures.

All About Dolphins

A book of interesting facts about dolphins, with many color photos.

Moonlight on the river

Sneaking away from home on a midnight fishing voyage, two brothers find themselves struggling to keep their boat afloat in the middle of a violent river storm.

Noises in the night

the habits of bats
Describes the work of researchers on Barro Colorado Island in Panama who are studying the behavior of the various species of bats living in the rain forests there.

Meet the authors and illustrators

60 creators of favorite children's books talk about their work
Brief biographies of a variety of authors and illustrators from different parts of the world accompany a description of their work.

Meet the authors

25 writers of upper elementary and middle school books talk about their work
Presents profiles of 25 authors with suggested activities for each.


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