This collection covers the broad sweep of the culture of the times, from Elizabeth's court to rural life, and from the New World explorations to the remarkable flowering of literature and drama for which the era is renowned. Perfect for both history and literatures studies, this set was designed with the student in mind.
Explores the life of playwright and poet William Shakespeare, discussing the social and political world in which he lived, his childhood, his loves, his "lost years," his career, and his plays.
A brief illustrated biography of Queen Elizabeth I, who ruled England from 1533 until her death in 1603, and discusses her childhood, imprisonment, her refusal to get married, the attempts on her life, and other related topics.
A biography of the English seaman and explorer who was knighted by Queen Elizabeth I for helping to make England a world power by circumnavigating the globe and raiding Spanish ships.
Francis Drake, Elizabeth I, and the perilous birth of the British Empire
Bergreen, Laurence
"A biography of the extraordinary life and adventures of Sir Francis Drake, whose mastery of the seas during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I changed the course of history-as a pirate raiding Spanish galleons, as the first explorer to successfully circumnavigate the globe, and as a naval hero who defeated the Spanish Armada and reshaped the global order"--Adapted from publisher description.
Sir Francis Walsingham and the rise of espionage in Elizabethan England
Cooper, J. P. D
Chronicles the life and career of Sir Francis Walsingham, who was intrumental in setting up a network of spies throughout England during the reign of Elizabeth I.
Provides an overview of Elizabethan England, looking at the conditions that led to the Elizabethan Era, the lives of the rich and poor, the Elizabethan Renaissance, and other related topics.
An investigation of English politics and religion during the reign of Elizabeth I, examining the character of the queen, discussing the beliefs of playwright William Shakespeare, and looking at other aspects of the period.
A study of Elizabethan England, focusing on the Reformation and the rise of the gentry, with accounts of significant teachers and scholars of the time, and discussion of religion and the Church, the theater, government, economy, and other topics.