Laycock, George

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The flying sea otters

Describes the physical characteristics and habits of sea otters living around an island off the Alaskan coast.

The deer hunter's bible

Presents practical advice on successful deer hunting, providing information about types of deer and how they live, and discussing hunting with guns and bow and arrow, field care of deer, trophy hunting, hunting and camping equipment, hazards, and other topics.
Cover image of The deer hunter's bible

Exploring the great swamp

An introduction to the history, scientific facts, and legends concerning great swamps such as the Okefenokee, the Alakai, the Great Dismal, and the Reelfoot with emphasis on the importance of preserving swamp ecology.

America's endangered wildlife

Describes the physical characteristics, habits, and environment of several species of North American wildlife that are becoming rare and threatened with extinction.

White tail

Big Nick

The habits and behavior of a great black bear are reflected in this sensitive and accurate account of a clever resident of the Smoky Mountains.

The flying sea otters

Describes the physical characteristics and habits of sea otters living around an island off the Alaskan coast.

The pelicans

Describes the physical characteristics, feeding and mating habits, and habitat of the brown pelican.

Does your pet have a sixth sense?

Several accounts of amazing feats performed by animals using the "sixth" sense in many different ways including finding their way home across thousands of miles, knowing when a disaster is imminent, and many others.

Water pollution

Discusses the importance of water to life, the many ways water supplies become polluted, and how to clean up pollution.


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