
Topical Term

Easy graphic design for librarians

from color to kerning
A guide for library staff to using graphic design in library-specific projects to create engaging, effective visual communications for their libraries.
Cover image of Easy graphic design for librarians

Booktalk! 5

more selections from The Booktalker for all ages and audiences
Contains a collection of booktalks arranged by age level. Includes a bibliography by age level, theme and genre, and an index.

Library contests

Describes a nine-step process for planning, organizing, and running a library contest, offering ideas and advice on how to select a contest planner and develop community partnerships, establish goals and estimate budget, define contest type, determine eligibility, schedule the contest, select a prize, choose judges, promote the contest, and evaluate success.

Display and publicity ideas for libraries

Cover title: Publicity and display ideas for libraries. Contains display ideas with instructions for windows, bulletin boards, walls, clubs, projects, etc.

Practical PR for school library media centers

A guide to developing a public relations program to promote school libraries to students, faculty, school boards, administration, parents, and the community, with advice on getting publicity and media coverage, and offering promotional activites and ideas.

Library public relations

a practical handbook
A practical handbook for librarians dealing with the whys, the hows, and the tricks of the trade of library public relations.

Grand schemes and nitty-gritty details

library PR that works
Resource guide for librarians on public relations with information on how to spotlight special events, developing a "we care" environment, and more.

The new school elementary librarian's almanac

Practical library management ideas, problem-solving techniques, and classroom-tested activities for a year-round media program.


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