Presents biographies of Hispanics who have had an impact on world culture, including artist Pablo Picasso, writer Gabriela Mistral, and politician Benito Ju?rez.
Presents short biographies of three famous people who influenced the Hispanic world including Spanish painter Pablo Picasso, Chilean poet Gabriela Mistral, and nineteenth-century Mexican President Benito Ju?rez.
Presents the life of the Zapotec Indian who officially became president of Mexico in 1861, instituted many reforms, and led his country in a war of independence.
A biography of the Mexican president who during his tenure in office separated church and state, established religious tolerance, and made the land distribution system more equitable.
Describes the Mexican holiday of Cinco de Mayo, which celebrates Mexico's defeat of France in 1867, and honors Benito Ju?rez, who is considered the greatest Mexican president.
Provides background on the people and events that are commemorated on two important Mexican holidays, Independence Day and Cinco de Mayo, and describes how these holidays are celebrated.
Tells the story of the life and rise to power of Mexico's first Indian president, Benito Juarez, and his fight against the French government of Maximilian Hapsburg.
Provides background on the people and events that are commemorated on two important Mexican holidays, Independence Day and Cinco de Mayo, and describes how these holidays are celebrated.