aztec architecture

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aztec architecture

The art & architecture of the Aztec & Maya

an illustrated encyclopedia of the buildings, sculptures and art of the peoples of Mesoamerica, with over 220 photographs, fine art drawings, maps, diagrams, site plans and reconstructions
A collection of 230 full-color photographs, diagrams, maps, and reconstructions describe the art and architecture of the ancient peoples of Mesoamerica including the Aztec, Maya, Mistec, Olmec, and Toltec civilizations.

Solving the mysteries of Aztec cities

Discusses the tools and techniques of archaeologists to uncover artifacts and evidence from ancient Aztec cities in order to better understand what hides beneath the Mexico City, the purpose for the temples, and what became of the Aztec empire.

Hidden world of the Aztec

Examines the work of archaeologists at the site of the Great Temple in Mexico City, discussing excavation and knowledge gleaned from it about Aztec culture, and explores the future of archaeology in the city, which was built over the rubble of Tenochtitlan after the Spanish conquest.
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