tongue twisters

Topical Term
tongue twisters

Just joking gross

Funny profiles of super-gross animals and weird-but-true science show that grossness is also downright fascinating.
Cover image of Just joking gross

Oh say can you say?

A collection of nonsensical tongue twisters.

A toucan can can you?

Thirteen childrens illustrators provide illustrations for a this picture book featuring several variations of the tongue-twister "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck..." Includes music CD.

Just joking 5

300 hilarious jokes about everything, including tongue twisters, riddles, and more!
A collection of three-hundred jokes, riddles, and tongue twisters for kids from National Geographic, illustrated with photographs and including interesting facts about nature.

Just joking LOL!

300 hilarious jokes about everything, including wacky tongue twisters, silly puns, funny photos, and much more!
A collection of three-hundred jokes, riddles, and tongue twisters for kids from National Geographic, illustrated with photographs and including interesting facts about nature.

Just joking 3

300 hilarious jokes about everything, including tongue twisters, riddles, and more!
A collection of three-hundred jokes, riddles, and tongue twisters for kids from National Geographic, including photographs. Includes fun facts about nature.

A greyhound, a groundhog

A tongue twister featuring a little round greyhound and a little round groundhog who work themselves into a frenzy as they whirl around and around one another.

Just joking 4

300 hilarious jokes about everything, including tongue twisters, riddles, and more!
A collection of three-hundred jokes, riddles, and tongue twisters for kids from National Geographic, including photographs.

Just joking 2

300 hilarious jokes about everything, including tongue twisters, riddles, and more!
A collection of three-hundred jokes, riddles, and tongue twisters for kids from National Geographic, including photographs.

Just joking

300 hilarious jokes, tricky tongue twisters, and ridiculous riddles
Contains three hundred jokes, tongue twisters, and riddles, with miscellaneous facts about animals.


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