Shade books

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The deadly doll

When Claudine's family receives in the mail a beautiful old French doll that has been in the family for generations, no one anticipates its malevolent intentions.

The fish gut experiment

While researching aging for a class project, Jenna becomes obsessed with staying young and, after reading part of an Aldous Huxley book about a man on a similar quest, tries an experiment on her parents without knowing the possible side effects.

The end of the line

Overweight and shy, Janet keeps to herself at school until Lola arrives and decides they will be friends, but Janet is afraid Lola is just teasing her, as others do, when she reaches the spot where they are to meet for a sleepover and weird things start to happen.

Doorway to darkness

While a group of people camps near a road construction site in hopes of saving a hill that some believe holds a terrible secret, a large predator begins roaming the area.

The omen and the ghost

On a snowy Christmas Eve, Chris ignores a series of warnings to take a dangerous motorcycle ride with Angela, a new friend who may be more than she appears to be.

The ghost of J. Stokely

Seventeen-year-old Jared leads a group of younger boys to Eagle Point, but their planned fishing trip turns into an investigation of strange events surrounding the caretaker's cabin.

The darkroom

Emily shoots a roll of film one summer day. When she develops the negatives in her late father's darkroom, she finds an extra photograph that seems to picture the future.

The curse of Raven Lake

When Charlie is finally able to stay in his family's cabin all by himself, a man next door mentions a strange curse and before long, Charlie notices that all sorts of odd creatures are moving through the woods.

Carnival of horrors

When Ben tries to hide from bullies at a carnival, he is drawn into a sideshow that promises to make his dreams of popularity and good grades come true, if only he signs a contract agreeing to give up a few minutes of his time.


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