
Topical Term

Never stop singing

Ten-year-old African-American singer Melody Ellison decides to fix up her Detroit neighborhood playground and plant a garden, but when her friends put her in charge, Melody finds out just how hard it can be to lead.
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Singing in theater

Provides a guide on singing in theater.
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Elmer and the tune

"Rose has heard a catchy tune that she can't stop humming, passing it on to every creature she meets. Now it seems as if the whole jungle is singing it!"--Dust jacket.
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La la la

a story of hope
Follows a singing girl's fruitless search for a friend in her world, until one night when her song is finally heard by someone who understands.

World of music discovery

Introduces a variety of musical concepts, composers, and styles, and provides descriptions of different families of instruments that make up an orchestra, focusing on voice, woodwind, and rhythm and percussion.


While Gwin, a Fetcher, and her family defy the Devouts by sharing song and story, the Oyster's crew and the Sunkers continue fighting to bring light back to the dark world.
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Ellie's lovely idea

Valentine's Day is near, and to raise money for a charity called Puppy Love, Ellie persuades the other Critter Club girls to join her in selling and delivering singing telegrams.
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Sing like nobody's listening

"Wylie Tennyson and Jada Emmett have been best friends forever. They have done everything together for so long that when Jada decides to try out for their middle school's spring musical production, it was only natural for Wylie to audition as well. After all, how fun would it be to be in the chorus together? The only problem is that Jada has her sights set on much more than the chorus-- she's going after one of the lead parts, and wants Wylie to step aside to give her a better shot. Taking a cue from her new favorite television show, Non-Instrumental, Wylie decides to start her middle school's very first a cappella group. She wants to show Jada that it's much better to be part of a team's success than it is to stand under the spotlight alone. This is a great idea, in theory, until Wylie has trouble actually recruiting anyone to join her group. And it doesn't help when Jada decides to form her own..."--Amazon.
Cover image of Sing like nobody's listening

No ordinary sound

In 1964 Detroit, nine-year-old Melody pursues her singing dreams unti a tragic event in Birmingham, Alabama, shakes her confidence.
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