Presents biographical information about American actress and singer Vanessa Hudgens, covering her upbringing, roles in "High School Musical" and "High School Musical 2," and success as a professional entertainer.
Discusses the history, culture, and religion of the Filipinos, factors encouraging their emigration, and their acceptance as an ethnic group in North America.
An overview of immigration from the Philippines to the United States and Canada since the 1960s, when immigration laws were changed to permit greater numbers of people to enter these countries.
Discusses the history, culture, and religion of the Filipinos, factors encouraging their emigration; and their acceptance as an ethnic group in North America.
Willie's father tells him there is something special in an old coconut bank brought from the Philippines, but Willie is embarrassed to take it to school for a contest, especially since he knows that one of his classmates will make fun of him.
Discusses the reasons for Filipino immigration to the United States and the conditions they have found here, using case studies to describe the lifestyles of Filipino Americans.