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Fahrenheit, celsius, and their temperature scales

Describes the scientists behind the two most commonly used temperature scales, and explains how their scientific research and innovations are still used today.

Alexander Graham Bell and the telephone

Describes the life and achievements of Alexander Graham Bell, who is credited with inventing the telephone in 1876.

Isaac Newton and gravity

Depicts the law of gravity discovered by Newton and explains how he helped shape the scientific method that changed how scientists work. Provides a brief biography, describes the laws of gravity and motion, depicts his experiments with color separation using a prism, and discusses his invention of the reflecting telescope. Includes a timeline, a glossary, and an index.

Galileo and the telescope

Discusses how Galileo's invention of the telescope led to his exploration of the universe and also examines his scientific and mathematical experiments. His telescope proved that the sun was the center of the universe and because this idea was considered heresy by the Catholic Church, Galileo was subjected to trial by the Inquisition and found guilty. Includes illustrations, a timeline, a glossary, and an index.

The Curies and radioactivity

Depicts the lives of Pierre and Marie Curie and examines their partnership in scientific discoveries for which they were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry. Discusses the impact their work had in the field of science and includes a timeline, a glossary, and an index.

Charles Darwin and evolution

Examines the life of Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution, exploring his early life and his love of insects to his later years as a respected, published scientist and author.


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