Ryan, Phillip

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Steam-powered trains

Simple text and color photographs describe steam-powered trains and introduce related vocabulary.
Cover image of Steam-powered trains

Passenger trains

Simple text and color photographs describe passenger trains and introduce related vocabulary.
Cover image of Passenger trains

Freight trains

Simple text and color photographs describe freight trains and introduce related vocabulary.
Cover image of Freight trains

Passenger trains

Simple text and color photographs describe passenger trains and introduce related vocabulary.
Cover image of Passenger trains

Steam-powered trains

Simple text and color photographs describe steam-powered trains and introduce related vocabulary.
Cover image of Steam-powered trains


Simple text and pictures introduce the reader to streetcars and terms associated with them.


The monorail has critics and fans alike. Some people think that its futuristic and sleek while others think its unsightly and odd. This book explores the fascinating world of the monorail, offering details and gorgeous photographs on varieties, whether the rail is above or beneath the cars.


Simple text and color photographs describe subways and introduce related vocabulary.

Passenger trains

Simple text and color photographs describe passenger trains and introduce related vocabulary.

Steam-powered trains

Simple text and color photographs describe steam-powered trains and introduce related vocabulary.


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