A comprehensive guide to astrology that covers the zodiac, elements, qualities and polarities, planetary influences, houses and angles, the aspects, unfolding charts, relationships, health, and eclipses.
On her thirteenth birthday, Jalen unwittingly brings the twelve signs of the zodiac to life through a mysterious old book, and soon she, her friend Ellie, and Ellie's brother, Brennan, are battling in the streets of New Orleans to defeat the twelve and their little-known companion before time runs out.
Describes the mythological figures of the zodiac and presents facts on the constellations to which they are linked, also discussing the Milky Way and the life cycle of a star.
Describes the stars of the twelve signs of the zodiac and discusses the meaning and influence attributed to them by many different civilizations. Also includes traditional tales about each zodiac sign.
After her parents send her to boot camp for her outrageous behavior, Leonora, a Leo who thrives on getting her way, discovers that she is a Zodiac Girl, a select group who get personal guidance from the planets when the stars are in alignment.
Retells the Greek myths identified with the zodiac signs, explaining how each particular group of stars found its way into the heavens, and including a description of the human qualities associated with each of the signs.
As Tohru Honda continues her attempt to find a cure for the curse that is over the members of the Sohma family she discovers a terrible secret involving Momiji's sister. In comic book format.