Lunn, Janet Louise Swoboda

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Double spell

Strangely attracted to an antique doll, twelve-year-old twins buy the toy and soon find themselves haunted by powerful and tragic memories of ancestral twins who had also been owners of the doll.

Amos's sweater

Amos, a sheep, is old and is tired of giving wool to Aunt Hattie every year. One year Aunt Hattie makes his wool into a sweater for Uncle Henry. Amos gets upset and finally succeeds in getting into the sweater to keep himself warm.

The unseen

scary stories
A collection of twenty-one short stories and poems about ghosts and other things supernatural by a variety of Canadian authors including Tim Wynne-Jones, Kit Pearson, Jean Little, Karleen Bradford, Janet Lunn, and L.M. Montgomery.

One hundred shining candles

After their mother falls ill and Pa says there will be no presents for the holiday, Lucy and Dan decide to make a special gift for their mother at Christmas.

The hollow tree


The twelve dancing princesses

a fairy story
A retelling of the tale of 12 princesses who dance secretly all night long and the gardener's boy who follows them and discovers where they dance.

Ph?nom?nes inexpliqu?s

histoires v?ridiques d'ici
A collection of eight stories about unexplained events and written by various authors, such as Joyce Barkhouse, Janet Lunn, and Kit Pearson.

A rebel's daughter

the 1837 rebellion diary of Arabella Stevenson
Arabella Stevenson's father is arrested and sent to prison for rebelling against the British government in Toronto, leaving Arabella's mother destitute and forcing Arabella to work as a scullery maid in the home of one of her former classmates.

Laura Secord

a story of courage
Recounts the tale of Laura Secord's journey to tell the British about an American plot to conquer them during the war between Great Britain and the United States in the early nineteenth century.

Shadow in Hawthorn Bay

When fifteen-year-old Mary journeys from Scotland to Canada in search of her cousin, she makes a tragic discovery and alienates the townsfolk who fear her psychic powers.


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