Warren, William E.

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The thing in the swamp and more not-so-scary stories

A collection of tales of seemingly frightening and horrible situations, each resolved in a harmless, ordinary outcome or explanation.

Footsteps in the fog

still more not-so-scary stories
More tales of seemingly frightening and horrible situations, each resolved in a harmless, ordinary outcome or explanation.

Coaching and motivation

a practical guide to maximum athletic performance
Discusses the importance of motivation in team sports, and presents hundreds of practical and proven motivation strategies for coaches to use at all levels of competition.

The screaming skull

true stories of the unexplained
Presents fourteen accounts of documented, mysterious occurrences involving ghosts, poltergeists, unexplained appearances and disappearances of people, as well as unexplained mysteries such as the Shroud of Turin.

The headless ghost

true tales of the unexplained
Presents accounts of unexplainable occurrences involving ghosts, poltergeists, and the Bermuda Triangle.

The screaming skull

true stories of the unexplained
Presents fourteen accounts of documented, mysterious occurrences involving ghosts, poltergeists, unexplained appearances and disappearances of people, as well as unexplained mysteries such as the Shroud of Turin.

The graveyard and other not-so-scary stories

Short stories, each presented in a split sequence: the first leaves the reader on the verge of horror; the second presents an ordinary explanation for the situation.
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