Mueller, Virginia

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A Great Place For Llama

LLama doesn't seem to fit in anywhere until he finds the bear's home.

Monster's birthday hiccups

At his birthday party, nothing helps Monster get rid of his hiccups until he has a wonderful idea.

A Halloween mask for Monster

Monster tries on girl, boy, cat, and dog masks at Halloween but since they are all too scary he decides to go as himself.

A playhouse for Monster

Sitting in his playhouse alone with one cookie and one glass of milk, Monster realizes it is more fun to share than to keep everything for himself.

Monster and the baby

Trying to entertain his baby brother by building a tower out of blocks, Monster finds there is only one way to stop him from crying.

Monster goes to school

At school Monster learns about time, drawing a clock with pictures that represent his day.

Monster can't sleep

Monster can't fall asleep no matter what his parents try until he tries to put his pet spider to sleep.

Monster and the baby

Trying to entertain his baby brother by building a tower out of blocks, Monster finds there is only one way to stop him from crying.

A Halloween mask for Monster

Monster tries on girl, boy, cat, and dog masks at Halloween but since they are all too scary he decides to go as himself.
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