Curious George gets into trouble when he boards a dump truck and spills a load of dirt in a pond but redeems himself when the dirt creates an island for the pond's ducks.
While Babe the pig is babysitting a batch of duck eggs by sitting on them, they hatch and he becomes the mother of the new ducklings, naming them, teaching them how to behave, and using them to herd his sheep.
An introduction to ducks that discusses their various breeds, history, shelters, physical characteristics, diet, life cycle, care, and role in myths and legends.
Carrie, having raised her duck Drusilla since it was one day old, takes care to find just the right person to care for the duck while she is on vacation, but she begins to fear she will never see Drusilla again when she returns home to find the duck-sitter has gotten rid of the beloved animal.