equipment and supplies

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equipment and supplies

At the playground

Introduces young readers to the forces of pushing and pulling while playing on the playground.

Fire station

Firefighters rush into action to put out fires. They search burning buildings to make sure everyone is out safely. This informative title for young readers will ignite their interest in firefighters.

Creating and sharing a slideshow

Learn how to gather, organize, and present information using slideshow software on your computer.

Fly fishing

Did you know that fly fishers fish using a hook called a fly? Flies can look like bugs or small fish. Find out more about how people fish in this book!.

Saltwater fishing

Most salt water is found in the oceans. Saltwater fishers need strong rods and lines to catch large fish. Find out more about how people fish in Saltwater Fishing, part of the Gone Fishing series.

Freshwater fishing

Fresh water is found in lakes, rivers, and streams around the world. Fisher enjoy catching freshwater fish, including brass, wallleye, and catfish. Find out more about how people fish!.

Bait fishing

Did you know that bait is something that fish like to eat? People sometimes use corn or cheese as bait to catch fish. Find out more about how people fish.

Weapons and machines of the Vietnam War

"The Vietnam War was a complicated and controversial conflict, and readers take a focused look at this chapter in world history through the lens of the military technology used in this war. From the advent of assault rifles to the use of chemical weapons, many of these technological advances have spurred heated debates over time, but readers discover the facts about them in an unbiased way. In addition, photographs of helicopters, planes, and other impressive pieces of military technology fill the pages, and fact boxes and sidebars provide additional information to support a deeper understanding of social studies and STEM"--Amazon.

Weapons and machines of the Gulf War

"The Gulf War called for new technology, vehicles, and weapons to win battles in the harsh conditions of Iraq and Kuwait. Readers learn about the new tanks, planes, and drones that enabled U.S. forces and their allies to win the war"--Amazon.

Weapons and machines of World War I

"World War I completely changed how wars were fought. It was the first major conflict to use planes, tanks, and certain kinds of chemical weapons. Readers expand their knowledge of "the war to end all wars" with this high-interest look at the technology that made an Allied victory possible. As readers learn impressive facts about various pieces of military technology, they enhance their understanding of social studies and STEM topics. Fact boxes and sidebars are presented alongside the informative main text, and detailed historical photographs allow readers to visualize the amazing machines they're learning about"--Amazon.


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