United States Armed Forces

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United States Navy

This book is an introduction to the U.S. Navy that uses a combination of surface ships, aircraft, and submarines to fight wars in any part of the world.

United States Marine Corps

This book is an introduction to the U.S. Marine Corps, an all-purpose military force that mobilizes quickly and strikes aggressively.

United States Army

This book is an introduction to the United States Army, the largest and oldest of the nation's armed forces.

United States Green Berets

This book is an introduction to the Green Berets, a special operations force that is part of the United States Army whose main mission is to train foreign military forces to defend their country and the interests of the United States.

United States Air Force

This book is an introduction to the U.S. Air Force that uses fighter jets to support ground troops and battle enemy aircraft.

United States Navy SEALs

An introduction to the United States Navy SEALs that provides information on its history, training, equipment, responsibilities in wartime and peacetime, and other related topics.
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