Paschkis, Julie

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The wordy book

This book is a collection of paintings made up of words upon words, all moving, interacting, and creating a visually stunning and wordy universe. Each page contains a question to be answered with the words that lie within. What happens when words and pictures coexist in such a way, bump into one another, are in constant conversation?.


poems & notes about color
See the colors of the rainbow in a whole new light! Playful poems and facts celebrate the colors of the rainbow in this beautiful nonfiction picture book.
Cover image of Vivid

Magic spell

Feeling unappreciated during the performance, a magician's assistant grabs the wand and performs some feats of her own.
Cover image of Magic spell

Flutter & hum

animal poems = Aleteo y zumbido : poemas de animales
"All sorts of animals flutter and hum, dance and stretch, and slither and leap their way through this ... collection of poems in English and Spanish"--Provided by publisher.

Flutter & hum

animal poems = Aleteo y zumbido: poemas de animales
All sorts of animals flutter and hum, dance and stretch, and slither and leap their way through this joyful collection of poems in English and Spanish. Julie Paschkis's words and art sing in both languages, bringing out the beauty and playfulness of the animal world.

P. Zonka lays an egg

"All of the chickens in the farmyard lay eggs regularly-- all except for P. Zonka, that is. She's too busy looking at the colors of the world around her. The other chickens think P. Zonka's just lazy...until she lays the most beautiful egg they've ever seen"--Provided by publisher.

Play all day

A child's day of play is both in the real world and in the world of the imagination.

So happy

One half of the book presents such happy animals as a parading peacock and a giddy goat, while the other half shows such sad creatures as a pouting porcupine and a crying crocodile.


a quilt story
Karla's quilt Mooshka tells her stories about the pieces of fabric that Mooshka is made from, but when Karla's baby sister is born, Mooshka falls silent until Karla overcomes her jealousy and shares Mooshka with the baby.
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