Draper, Allison Stark

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What people wore in colonial America

Describes what people wore in colonial America, discussing puritan, Quaker, and military styles.


Presents an examination of the ebola virus, discussing its African origins, and the development of this and other similar emerging diseases.

George Washington elected

how America's first president was chosen
Briefly describes George Washington's role in the American Revolution and his tenure as the first United States president.

America's first traitor

Benedict Arnold betrays the colonies
Briefly describes the military exploits of Benedict Arnold, first for the Americans and later for the British.

The start of the American Revolutionary War

Paul Revere rides at midnight
Discusses the historic ride to announce the coming of British troops to Massachusetts at the beginning of the Revolutionary War.

The Boston Tea Party

angry colonists dump British tea
Describes the series of events which led up to the Boston Tea Party and explains how this act helped bring about the war for independence.

The Boston Massacre

five colonists killed by British soldiers
Describes the incidents leading up to the Boston Massacre, the event itself, the trial following it, and its importance in American history.


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