Nature's mysteries

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Organisms that glow

Whether they glimmer to attract prey, to ward off predators, or for another reason entirely, glowing organisms are some of the most mesmerizing wonders of nature. This stunning volume introduces elementary readers to bioluminescence and biofluorescence, using accessible language to explain how and why various organisms make their own light. Vibrant images allow readers to journey through woods haunted by fox fire, soar high with fireflies that punctuate a summer night's sky, and dive deep to view the myriad creatures that illuminate the ocean's depths. Boxed text encourages critical thinking about Earth's incredible biodiversity and the behaviors and chemistry of living things.

Rainbows and other marvels of light and water

This volume captures all the excitement of rainbow sightings after rainy days.


This volume examines the science behind crystal formation.

How insects work together

Examines the lives and survival techniques of social insects, who live together in colonies where different members of the group perform different tasks, including termites, wasps, ants, and honeybees.

How monkeys "talk"

Explains how monkeys and other primates communicate, by means of facial expressions, vocal sounds, scents, and body language.

How bats "see" in the dark

Provides information about bats, focusing on how they use their unique radar to find food and navigate in the air.

How fish swim

Demonstrates the different swimming styles of sharks, eels, sea horses, and other aquatic animals and explains how their bodies are adapted to their ways of swimming.

How caterpillars turn into butterflies

Describes the life cycle of the butterfly, from the hatching of the caterpillar, through its struggle to survive, to its metamorphosis into a butterfly and the laying of its own eggs.

How spiders make their webs

Describes different kinds of spiders, the types of webs they spin, and they various purposes these webs serve.

How bees make honey

Describes the characteristics and behavior of honeybees and how honey is made and harvested.


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