Setford, Steve

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Did you know?

"Answers all the . . . questions children ask about the ocean"--Back cover.

Scratch challenge workbook

Text and illustrations provide the essential skills on how to work with the Scratch platform.
Cover image of Scratch challenge workbook

Coding in scratch

projects workbook : make cool art, interactive images, zany music, and more
Contains exercises and step-by-step guidance to coding projects in Scratch.
Cover image of Coding in scratch

Science facts

Provides information on a variety of areas in the earth and chemical sciences, including force and energy, light, and magnetism.

Human body

the visual guide to what's inside
A guide to human anatomy and physiology that covers basic principles, provides in-depth tours of various body systems, and offers photo-realistic, three-dimensional images of body organs and processes.


animals with the skill to kill
Photographs and text provide information about a wide variety of predatory animals.
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