Brimner, Larry Dane

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Chief Crazy Horse

following a vision
Presents an illustrated biography of Oglala warrior and chief Crazy Horse.

Booker T. Washington

getting into the schoolhouse
Presents an illustrated biography of African American educator and leader, Booker T. Washington.

Polar mammals

Describes such animals as the polar bear, ringed seal, caribou, arctic hare, and wolverine and the ways they have adapted to life in the frigid arctic regions.

The World Wide Web

Offers a basic overview of the World Wide Web, including its history and uses.

Birmingham Sunday

Provides an account of the racially-motivated bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, on September 15, 1963, which resulted in the deaths of four children, and discusses how the tragedy spurred the passage of the landmark 1964 civil rights legislation.

Rolling-- in-line!

Photographs and text discuss the history of in-line skating, skating safely, basics of the sport, competition, and organizations and publications available.

We are one

the story of Bayard Rustin
Chronicles the life of African-American social activist Bayard Rustin, discussing his protests of segregation before the civil rights movement began and his organization of the March on Washington.


Traces the history of this recreational activity, describes the required equipment and basic techniques, concludes with a discussion of safety issues and competitive aspects of the sport.

Mountain biking

Describes the history, equipment, safety tips, and competitive riding of mountain bikes.


Surveys the history of karate and different karate styles and provides instructions on basic moves, how to advance in the sport, and how to get started in competitions.


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