Thomas, William

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History of Italy (1549)

How do we elect our leaders?

Explains how the president, members of Congress, and state officials are elected and discusses the importance of voting.

Cua?les son las partes del gobierno?

Photographs, diagrams, and simple text describe the various branches of the U.S. government and the duties they perform.

History of Italy (1549)

Cu?les son los derechos b?sicos de los ciudadanos?

Simple Spanish text explain the basic rights and responsibilities of United States citizens.

What are citizens' basic rights?

Teaches younger students the freedoms that are offered in the Bill of Rights, including the freedom of speech and religion.



Mountain rescuer

Discusses how to become a part of a mountain rescue team and examines the tools and techniques used by these teams to rescue people during all seasons.

Oil rig worker

An exploration of the job of an oil rig worker that describes what they do and discusses challenges and dangers they face, their training, and other related topics.


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