Rachel and Kirsty are going to spend a week at the Golden Palace but when Jack Frost steals the Princess Fairies' magic tiaras and all of the sweet treats taste sour they must help Lizzie the Sweet Treats Fairy find her tiara.
Rachel and Kirsty are going to spend a week at the Golden Palace but when Jack Frost steals the Princess Fairies' magic tiaras and they must help Cassidy the Costume Fairy find her tiara so she can sort through all of the costumes in time for the royal pageant.
Rachel and Kirsty are going to spend a week at the Golden Palace but when Jack Frost steals the Princess Fairies' magic tiaras and they must help Anya the Cuddly Creatures Fairy find her tiara.
When a royal messenger brings word that Cinderella's new grandmother-in-law is coming to visit, everyone in the castle scrambles to prepare for her arrival. Cinderella wants everything to be perfect for her first royal guest!.
Rachel and Kirsty are going to spend a week at the Golden Palace but when Jack Frost steals the Princess Fairies' magic tiaras and they must help Maddie the Fun and Games Fairy find her tiara before every game turns into a fight.