french and indian war, 1754-1763

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french and indian war, 1754-1763

The French and Indian War

Not long before American Revolution, the colonists fought another war in America, this one alongside soldiers from Great Britain. Known today as the French and Indian War, the conflict decided how much land the country of France would call its own in North America. If Great Britain had any say in the matter, it would surely not be much land at all--and as it happened, the Brits would in fact have a great deal to say about it. They emerged the victors after seven difficult years. This book examines primary sources from the era to tell the tale of how the first British war was fought on American soil.
Cover image of The French and Indian War

The life of a colonial soldier

The life of a colonial soldier was not a glamorous one, but it was a position held with a lot of pride. Readers will learn how men of all ages fought and died to help our country win its independence from the British. The graphica format will make this book hard to keep on the shelves.
Cover image of The life of a colonial soldier

The last of the Mohicans

A comic book adaptation of James Fenimore Cooper's "The Last of the Mohicans" in which Hawkeye, a young frontier scout, and Uncas, a Mohican Indian, form an unlikely friendship as they battle against the Iroquois Indians and try to preserve the unspoiled wilderness.
Cover image of The last of the Mohicans

The last of the Mohicans

A Mohican brave struggles to protect two English girls from an evil Huron during the French and Indian War in upstate New York.
Cover image of The last of the Mohicans

Young Washington

how wilderness and war forged America's founding father
A biography of George Washington, focusing on how the American frontier shaped his military career and his presidency.
Cover image of Young Washington

The French and Indian War

"Constant warfare between the French and the British spilled over into the New World as the countries in conflict fought for control of this prosperous territory. Drawn into this fight were the Native American tribes trying to protect their own diminishing claims to the land. Read the writings from those whose lives were affected by the seven years of war that drove the French out of the colonies and eventually led to an alliance that helped the colonies gain their independence"
Cover image of The French and Indian War

The French and Indian War

Provides an account of the French and Indian War, a battle between France and Britain for control of land in North America in the mid-seventeenth century, discussing why certain Native American groups decided to support the combatants, examining the role of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and others in the conflict, and looking at the link between the French and Indian and the Revolutionary wars.

Ambush in the wilderness

In 1755, after the death of his father, fifteen-year-old Patrick Egan and his uncle accompany the military force of aide-de-camp George Washington and British General Braddock as it journeys to fight the French and their Indian allies at Fort Duquesne in the Ohio River Valley.

Struggle for a continent

the French and Indian Wars, 1689-1763
Discusses the relations between the European colonists and the Native Americans, the disputes between settlers from France, England, and Spain, and the role these conflicts played in the history of North America.

The French and Indian War

Explores the reasons for the French and Indian War, important military leaders and battles, and the impact that continues today.


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