Halvorson, Karin

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Inside your germs

A look at the germs that are inside our bodies.

Inside the kidneys

Describes the function, characteristics and the care needed for your kidneys.

Inside the blood

Describes the function, characteristics of your blood inside your body.

Inside the muscles

Takes an inside look at the muscles of the human body and how they function, and offers tips for keeping them healthy. Features activities, full-color photographs, and a glossary.

Inside the skin, hair & nails

Takes an inside look at the skin, hair, and nails of the human body and how they function, and offers tips for keeping all three healthy. Features activities, full-color photographs, and a glossary.

Inside the bones

A fun and easy introduction to how bones work.

Inside the heart

Illustrations, photos, text, and simple activities introduce how the heart works to children.

Inside the brain

Illustrations, photos, text, and simple activities introduce how the brain works to children.

Inside the lungs

Illustrations, photos, text, and simple activities introduce how the lungs work to children.

Inside the eyes

Provides an introduction to the human eye, discussing its structure, and it works.


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